Children benefit from playing drums

benefits of playing Drums

Given their own way, many children will fill their free time with online games and video streaming, and they’ll have little to show for it in the end. But, if they can be encouraged to learn a musical instrument, they can learn skills and habits that will last a lifetime – and their health will improve along the way, believe it or not.

My name is Sarika Kadam, and I am a mother of a 12-year-old girl. I started investigating the benefits of music – and drumming, in particular – for young people and was so impressed with the research finding of mental and physical gains that I bought my child her own kit.

Contributed by Sarika Kadam for Roland India

So, what are the benefits of playing Drums for a child’s health:

1. Playing the Drum is a workout:

Getting children to be active is a challenge in this modern technological world dominated by mobiles, iPads and laptops. Drumming is a very physical activity which involves the whole body. The act of playing helps them to burn calories, builds muscles and increases stamina.

Drumming also increases heart rate and blood flow. And, best of all, when they “get into the music”, they don’t even notice that they’re getting physical exercise.

Fun Fact: Playing drums can burn up to 600 calories and hour

2. Drumming helps develop hand-eye co-ordination

The entire body is used while drumming, especially the fingers, hands, wrists, elbows, arms, shoulders and legs. This helps children become more aware of their bodies and fosters the development of co-ordination – not only hand-eye co-ordination, but also limb independence as they learn to maintain different rhythms with their hands and feet.

Fun Fact: Playing drums also improves your hand-eye coordination.

3. How playing the Drums Affects Brain?

There’s strong evidence that learning rhythmic patterns is a great mental exercise that helps the development of thought processes. This focus also helps to reduce mental chatter, calming and relaxing the child.

Drumming benefits overall brain development by stimulating the left and right sides of the brain simultaneously. The act of drumming engages different parts of the brain to interpret music, maintain rhythms and guide the limbs through the movements needed to play the various drums and cymbals.

Fun Fact: Playing Drums also sharpens your Brain.
Girl Playing Drums

4. Playing Drums improves my child’s Academic Performance:

Scientists note that drumming can increase certain brainwave activity which, in turn, boosts creativity and problem-solving. Many parents have noticed that this improved attention and thinking behaviour actually leads to better academic performance.

Fun Fact: Understanding beat, scales, and rhythm help in recognising patterns.

5. Playing the Drum improves your child’s social skills:

Many drummers started out as ‘shy kids’, and found that playing a loud instrument gave them a bigger voice and helped them get noticed. Being able to play impressive rhythms is a great ice-breaker and the sense of accomplishment which comes with mastering these does wonders for children’s self-confidence.

Drummers usually get to play with other musicians, which can help shy kids expand their community and boost their social confidence.

Fun Fact: Learning a new instrument improves your confidence level.

How difficult is learn Drums?

With this understanding of the benefits of playing drums for your children, you’re probably wondering how hard it is to learn drumming.

Well, it’s never too early to start learning and you don’t need lots of equipment to begin. Some of the best professional drummers in the world began by hitting pots and pans with the handles of wooden spoons. It’s easy to start with a single drum and a pair of sticks, and to encourage your youngster to tap out rhythms they hear around them.

It’s most important to manage your own expectations as a parent: don’t expect your child to play like a pro musician from the start and be prepared to put up with some noise before it becomes ‘musical.

How to start learning Drums?

If your child has natural rhythm, drums are probably one of the easiest instruments to learn. But if you – or they – want to get off to the best start, it’s advisable to have your child assessed by a teacher who can also help start their journey – perhaps with lessons for just half an hour a week, backed up by some regular practice at home.


It’s a competitive world and I think all parents want to give their children an advantage. I believe playing drums does just that by allowing your child to master a unique musical instrument, which can give them a sense of confidence.

Best of all, drums can provide your child with a valuable break from their hectic schedule and let them have some fun as they play their favourite music.

So, playing drums is a smart, healthy choice for kids.

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