Best Keyboard for Indian Tones in your budget

Roland XPS Series - Best for Indian tones

In the era, an everyday changing world getting a cost-effective and attractive keyboard is a challenging task. The end number of options available in the market may confuse you a lot. In this situation, you need an expert to advise, and we are here to help you. And let you aware about the best keyboard for Indian Tones and other features.

There are many reasons to choose a Roland keyboard. Roland focuses on manufacturing state-of-the-art electronic equipment. As a leading manufacturer in this industry, we produce quality equipment. We aim to create an exciting world where everyone can enjoy music in their way.

Contributed by Bhavana Kedar for Roland India

Each & every musician, either Bollywood or Independent, requires an instrument with excellent Indian Tones for their music. This area of Electronic Music had a significant demand nowadays there are multiple instruments available in the market which give Indian tones for the keyboard. Still, Roland stands out in this race because of our idea of consistently create new and innovative technologies.

Best Keyboard for Indian Tones

The Roland XPS Series is the best and successful series for Indian Tones which comes in your budget. There are so many reasons to choose the Roland XPS Series it has a unique expandable feature, six audio pads, and it is battery operated, mic connectivity, vocoder (only XPS-30), pen drive connectivity and many more. In the XPS series, you can download the sounds of different models from our library.

Related Product : Roland XPS -10

Most of the electronic keyboard players in India play different kinds of Indian acoustic instruments which are challenging to play in an electronic device because of the difference in sound. Still, in the XPS series, you will get Indian tones that you can easily sample and perform even the delicate instruments tones like sitar, santoor, harmonium, shehnai, and banjo. Whenever the musician thinks about making the Indian Tones, the first name that comes to their mind is the Roland XPS series.

Related Product : Roland XPS -30


We do not want you to compromise on anything due to the budget. Our focus is on giving the best to the people who allowed us to serve them. The reason we recommend you the best keyboard for Indian Tones is because we pledge to design the future and change the face of the Indian Music Industry.

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