Learning the drums helps master other instruments

Learning Drums on Digital Drums

In today’s day and age of rapidly growing technology and several different genres of music, children are keen to pick up multiple instruments. 

Hi! My name is Arvind Radhakrishnan, and I am the drums teacher of 11 years old Aakash and others. He has been learning the drums for the last two years. As the teacher of a teenager who is so passionate about music, I can see the influence that different genres of music have on him. He is always keen and eager to listen to different sounds that these genres offer. One day, he came up to me and said that he now wants to learn to play the keyboard. 

Contributed by Arvind Radhakrishnan for Roland India

It is at this point I realised that while you might think that switching instruments from drums to the keyboard is a waste of effort, it is in fact, just the opposite. It showed me that Akash was ready to expand his musical vocabulary and overall musicianship. I immediately spoke to his mother and asked her to encourage him to learn the keyboard as well. 

Here are the few questions Akash’s mother asked me about learning another musical instrument than Drums :

1. Can my child switch from the drums to any other musical instrument?

Yes, Akash can! In my practice, if you’re a musician who wants to play a different instrument, learning to play the drums can give you a fresh perspective on rhythm and time. It will undoubtedly aid your development in your second instrument as you will approach it with a more rhythmic focus.

Fun fact: Building up an excellent fundamental rhythm helps you out on every instrument. And if you ever decide to write music, you will know how to interpret a percussion part.

2. How difficult is it to understand music once the instrument changed from drums?

Learning drums before picking up another instrument, change the way of listening and analyse music. Widens one’s perspective — Drums force one to get into the rhythmical mindset thoroughly, along with harmonies/melodies. Suddenly the student starts thinking of keyboard playing or guitar playing from the drum point of view also, which enhances the overall quality of music.  

Fun fact: All instruments share some of the same fundamental principles. And once you understand the laws that apply to the musical instruments, you can figure out how to make music on these instruments.

3. Is it possible to switch from drums to the keyboard?

Of course, on the plus side, it’s good that you can use both your hands and your feet. It will be useful, especially if you are going to be playing the keyboard with a pedal or a piano.

Fun fact: Drums is one of the only instruments that require the use of all four limbs, thus making the transition to any other music instrument easier. 

4. Can I switch from drums to guitar?

Why not?! Like the transition from drums to piano, switching from drums to strings comes with its own set of advantages. The foremost is arm strength, which will carry over well. Secondly and most importantly, understanding rhythmic strumming patterns of the guitar will be much easier. 

Fun fact: Many drummers who can play the guitar too often accompany in their respective bands as the rhythm guitarist. 

5. Are drummers merely timekeepers in a band?

No!! While it is a common misbelief that drummers are merely timekeepers, Drummers are not only rhythm keepers. Good drummers know how to fill the thin spaces, they interact, complement, keep out of the way, control the climax. In short, they are the backbone of a band. 

Fun fact: Studies show that “freedom of musical expression” is enhanced when a drummer picks up a new instrument. 

Can I learn drums on my own?

Yes! You can most definitely learn drums on your own! Today, one can easily find enough educational content online. These may in the form of social media, or drum educational websites. The most significant advantage you have when learning drums on your own is you have all the time to build vocabulary. As per what you want to learn and express yourself freely! Some people choose to learn to play the drums on their own while others prefer learning from a teacher. Either way, after a bit of time, your drum kit will become your best friend!

Are drums hard to learn on your own?

Let’s be honest here; learning anything new comes with its set of challenged. However, in short, drums are the easiest to learn and require consistent practice to master. Pick up a basic drum set, and with any luck, you could be playing along to a song in about 30 mins. When it comes to a long term commitment; however, drums are comparatively intricate and nuanced depending on your playing style.


In a world where we have so many different kinds of music, I consider having a significant advantage for our young generation. They can get used to the feel of other musical instruments after playing the drums. Drums, as a unique musical instrument, gives your child a sense of confidence and lays down a strong foundation for other musical instruments to follow. I have seen my students grow as musicians, and I believe it will work the same way around for your children also. Allow them to explore their taste in music and express themselves freely. You will be amazed at the result!!

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